Are You Interested or are You Committed?

The 4 Steps to Unwavering Commitment With Your Goals.

I’ve always been driven. In high school and college, I would wake up at 5:30am to do my bakery shift, manage to balance that with a full-time course load, go to soccer practice and still make time to hang out with my friends. However, come graduation and the culmination my competitive school & career ambitions, this unstoppable motivation seemed to fade.

While I spent countless hours “working”, my efforts were weak and unfocused. I logged countless hours at my computer, but what did I have to show for it? I told myself I wanted to succeed, but my actions didn’t reflect this belief. Then one day I had an epiphany. Walking across the parking lot after another painfully ineffective work day, my head spun with frustration and thoughts of self-pity. I had slipped into the fog of defeat I’d been lost in for weeks, cursing myself for my lack of self-discipline.

Suddenly I stopped.

In an eerie flashback, the same questions that surfaced at the end of my senior year of college, materialized on the screen of my mind: “Why are you holding back? What is stopping you from living the life you’ve imagined for yourself? What’s the worst thing that could happen if you decided to wholeheartedly commit yourself to achieving your goals?” Standing in the middle of the parking lot, I felt that the fog had lifted and leaving in its place was an intense clarity. I suddenly realized that the pain of half-heartedness was far greater than my fear of failure. In that moment, I made the incredibly liberating decision to release the breaks I had been unconsciously pressing for months and commit to pure unshackled effort. I decided to go for it.

Are You Interested or Committed? 

When it comes to getting paid to do what you love, are you interested or committed? Too many people stroll passively through life, intrigued by a whole slew of possibilities but not committed to making any of them a reality. What’s the difference between interest and commitment?

  • Interest works an hour a day on your business; commitment works within your time.
  • Interest procrastinates; commitment focuses on what’s important.
  • Interest makes excuses; commitment constantly acquires new skills and solutions.

If you’re struggling with this issue, ask yourself the same questions I asked myself: Why are you holding back? What is stopping you from living the life you’ve imagined for yourself? If you want it bad enough, if you’re committed, you’ll find a way to make it happen. If the thought of not being around or immobile for the rest of your life is a powerful enough motivator for you to work your ass of in order to escape it, I invite you to join me… and go for it.

You Know Enough- What Are You Waiting For?

The biggest complaint I’m sure Personal Trainers hear is this: “I would take action and get started, but I just don’t know enough yet. I’m just not ready yet.”

To this I have two responses:

1. There is always more to learn. The amount of information on the internet is equivalent to a stack of books stretching from Earth to Pluto! If you keep waiting until you finish that book, podcast or video course, if you keep waiting until you are ready, you will never be ready.

2. You learn far more from experience than consumption. I learned more during my first product launch (1 week) than I did during the prior 6 months of ravenous information consumption. Concepts are introduced via information; skills are honed through action. So, don’t wait to get started. Start now and correct your course as you go along. You know enough.

How to Go All Out: 4 Steps to Unwavering Commitment

Are you ready to go all out? If so, here’s how.

1. Get Your Mindset Right

Success in any aspect of life starts with your mindset. Faulty beliefs and assumptions are like powerful headwinds halting your progress and blowing you off course. To truly “go all out” and make unprecedented progress, you must make the decision at a core level to hold nothing back. You must take a good look at your life and decide that nothing is going to stand in your way of success. Back in high school I made the decision that I was going to graduate from college 4 years debt free. I made a commitment at a fundamental level that I was going to do anything it took to achieve my goal. This kind of raw, unrestrained dedication is extremely powerful. Trust me.

2. Refine your goals

It’s hard to commit yourself to something if your finish line is just a nebulous point off in the distance. So before you do anything, get ruthlessly clear about what your ultimate outcome looks like. Nail down exactly what you want, how you are going to get there and on what sort of timeline you plan to reach your destination. For me, I want to have the freedom to travel, work creatively and have autonomy. This is what motivates me to continuously give my all. Your goals will undoubtedly be different, and that’s fine. The key is to sculpt a vision that is so freaking awesome you are willing to do anything to achieve it.

3. Focus on what’s important

While the right mindset will give you the motivation you need to bring your A Game, if you focus on unimportant activities you still aren’t going to get anywhere! “Going for it” doesn’t mean quadrupling your workload. Work for the sake of work is not the goal. The goal is to live and work on your own terms. This is especially significant if you already have a busy life full of responsibilities. To achieve freedom and escape the trap of selling your time for money, you must be ruthlessly selective about what you work on and what you ignore. What should you work on? It all depends upon what stage you are on right now. But if I could work on just one aspect of my business, creating invaluable networking connections. No question. Hands down. In fact, I’ve restructured my days so that creating value is the vast majority of what I do. Inspired by Pareto’s 80/20 principle*, I now spend 70-80% of my time selling and promoting my product only 20-30% on administrative and technical work.

4. Hold yourself accountable

Unfortunately, personal drive usually isn’t enough. It may be enough to get you started, but after a week or two the “new years resolution effect” begins to set in and your initial enthusiasm slowly begins to fade. To stay committed, you need a way of holding yourself accountable. How? Here are my top three ways: Use the Weekly Daily Goals system to keep track of your most important tasks. At the beginning of each week, write down your top goals for the next 7 days. Before you go to bed each night, write down 2-3 key tasks that, if accomplished, will leave you satisfied with your day. Once you complete your goals for the day, stop guilt free. Tell others what you are doing. At the very least, tell your family about the goals you’re trying to reach. Even if their reactions are less than supportive, getting your ambitions out in the open will help you stay committed. Join a community. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are rooting for (and expecting) your success can be extremely powerful. It can provide you with the confidence and motivation you need to take your business to a whole new level.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been putting off anything in your life, I invite you to ask yourself why. What are you waiting for? If you’ve been waiting for the stars to align in your favor, if you’ve been waiting for that perfect moment to arrive… I’ve got some news for you: It will never come. There will always be a new problem standing in your way. Something you need to do before you can fully commit yourself. As William James once proclaimed, “To change one’s life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions.” Life is short. Give something (or everything) your all.”

-Jasmine Ben Rached


Jasmine Ben Rached is a 2016 graduate of Notre Dame de Namur University with a B.A. in Communications. She is heir apparent to Body by Pam and constantly works on keeping up with her parents, an impossible task.

*For anyone unfamiliar with the Pareto principle, it states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.